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Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Farming Update: April 16

While in Clarkston last weekend, my mom and I walked through the greenhouses and nurseries looking for landscaping at the lake ideas. Clarkston is in a bit of a micro-climate; a warm, dry, sunny one, with little rain, very much like Harrison's (especially since we don't irrigate the yard) Comparing the five inches of snow we recieved on Tuesday to the blooming bulbs and trees in Clarkston is depressing! Although I wouldn't want to trade Bozeman's temperate summers to their 100+ degree July and Augusts.

But seriously, I could have hung out in these greenhouses all day:
Rows of petunia starts, and sweet potato leaves

The nursery had some great ornamental grasses and low-water requirement plants. Just the ticket for Harrison!


And oh gosh... the flowers. Blooming, no shit actual flowers.

Impatiens and Dahlias

I wonder if I can grow dahlias in Bozeman?

In news related to my own garden in Bozeman, my starts are humming along:
Oregano, basil, cilantro (delicious on my breakfast burrito this morning!), chives, rosemary.
Sweet corn in the foreground
Zinnia, zucchini (bets that I'll regret that?), pumpkin (HUGE leaves!), winter squash.
Sugar snap peas.

Shallots (which I found out a week ago is the fancy word for baby onions).

Sweet peas.

I also have a ton of bulbs sprouting, half up, and in the process of coming up further, but no real blooms yet. Damn winter snow. Hopefully soon!

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