Wowzer, what a week! Today is the first Saturday that DJ and I have at home and unencumbered with stuff to do since… I can’t remember when. Maybe sometime in April? Today we’ve agreed to devote to doing as little as possible. That couch has a serious date with my ass in the near future, likely during the Texas- Texas Tech game. The only times I will move from it are to lean forward for more nachos!
This week was hectic. I have a project going on at work that is an absolute time-suck. It just eats up not only my available hours but a lot of my mental energy. I’m earning it on this one; for the fee I think I’m making about $.08 an hour.
On top of that, we’re in crunch time for house stuff. The bids for cabinets, granite, tile, flooring and etc. are in and we’ve got to make some decisions about what to spend our money on. DJ and I were wrestling with how to afford the granite we want in light of the cabinets we want and the flooring we want, and it just didn’t seem like there was anywhere obvious to cut. We could cut something, or downgrade it, but it only saved us about $50. For that much…. Ehh.
Then one of the guys we work with, who has built his own house, suggested we do the tile work ourselves. He’s got a book, and some of the saws, etc. needed. We mentioned it to our general contractor, who then suggested that his dad is a tile guy who could at the very least get us started and set us on our way. So, it looks like in order to cut the bill for tiling the front entryway from $1,100 we are going to do the work ourselves and save about $400.
I’m sure we’ll end up at Home Depot or Lowe’s this weekend perusing tile selections. You’ve already seen the entryway tile, and we need to pick a subway tile for the kitchen backsplash. We’re also thinking about tiling the bathrooms upstairs too… I mean, if we’re going to get all the stuff out, why not?
Additionally, the builder suggested that if $400 is a big deal to us (um, yes, yes it does), we might consider cleaning the place ourselves instead of hiring a cleaning crew. Heck yes man! I inherited from my mother and grandmother an exceeding sense of when something is clean. We are living in an apartment built by the same builder constructing our house. Nice little place, but their version of “clean enough to move into” is not mine. It was little things, like wood shavings in the cabinets, etc. Had I really cared or had the time when we moved in three weeks ago, I probably would have cleaned the apartment first.
So I can save myself $400 and the hassle of cleaning the house twice by just doing it ourselves. I’ll take that! Now to see if my mom can come help…
(Hopefully we will clean during a weekend with a good football game on the radio. When I was a kid mom would always deep-clean the house on the weekends dad had away football games. The three of us would wipe down baseboards and scrub windows as a way to keep ourselves occupied while listening to a nerve-wracking game.)
With all of this in mind, here are the most recent photos of the house!

We went with a concrete front porch, since it'll be so exposed to the sun and weather. I'm excited about how good it looks!
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