My dad used to make fun of me for being indecisive. “You’ve got to make a decision and go with it! Charge ahead!” he’d say. He’d ask me how I felt about something (like a political issue) and my answer would usually be “um, I don’t know enough information to make a decision”. I’d hem, and I’d haw, and then I’d do something, and then quickly reverse myself and start over.
If only dad could see me now (well he can, he’s alive, he just doesn’t actually see me doing this stuff). I’ve been the most decisive person you’ve ever met!
Standard overlay on the cabinets or full overlay? Full overlay (if we can afford it).

Colonial White cabinets or vanilla white cabinets? Colonial White.

Lighting fixtures? Here is what I/ we want:

Dining room chandelier. The shades can be changed out! Fun.

White white paint or sugar dust (for the trim paint)? Sugar dust.
Natural semi-transparent stain or walnut (it looks grey) (shingles on the upper ¾ of the house)? Walnut (grey).
Harvest gold or yellow trumpet (lap siding paint)? Yellow trumpet.

This granite (honed black) or that granite over there (polished black)? Um, can I see a material sample? But probably the honed black. With the extra-heavy duty sealant.
It goes on and on and on, the decisions.
And, oh, yeah, somewhere in here i'm supposed to work 40 [+] hours and plan a wedding. Right. Who needs sleep?
I’m [one of] the decider[s] (DJ gets to decide too)!
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