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Blogging about gardening in zone 4, marriage, our golden retriever and life in general.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I have a hard time restraining myself from getting too excited about spring around here. Despite the high 40's, beautifully sunny days, and total melt of snow in our front yard, you and I both know we're still in for a couple of spring snowstorms. The kind that bring heavy, wet snow. Take, for example, this exerpt from a conversation I had last week with one of the engineers I work with:

Me: "It's been beautiful weather out lately!"

B: "Yeah, but you know winter is just waiting to bitch-slap us in the face again."

That B., he's got a way with words.

The nice weather, however, made me wonder if the 250 bulbs I planted last October had survived. So I've been checking the bulbs near our front steps obsessively every day. There's no denying it; I jumped up and down last night when I saw this:

Here, let me zoom that in for you:

Crocus! Often the first sign of spring. I know they'll be buried in snow a time or two, but eventually they'll look like this:

But I'm not counting down the days or anything :)

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