The condo sold yesterday!!!!! It sold for nearly what we were asking too. I didn’t really think we’d sell it this fall. I was preparing myself for disappointment about the whole situation given the general real estate market in the US. I was preparing to park on the street and have to scrape snow off of my car for another winter.

Where we’re moving I’m not really sure. We’re both pretty decided on building a house in the same neighborhood, only three blocks north. There are some lots that back to a school, which means unencumbered views, neighbors on only two sides, and good long term value for resale someday. We know which plan we’d like to build; it’s just a matter of making some minor tweaks and sending it through the Building Department. If the contractor can break ground on September 1, it could be completed enough for us to close on time for me to get the $8,000 tax credit. The deadline is December 1. Three months to build a house. With a garage. No more scraping snow! No more shared walls with noisy neighbors! But also no more happy little condo where everything is put away and organized.
So that leaves us happily homeless for three months. Apartment living here we come? Anyone know of someone with a place we could rent for three months? Do you have boxes we could use? We'll have to move twice in three months... (hopefully!)
Honestly, I’m so overwhelmed right now. Work is really, really busy. Really, really really busy. Like worked 8 hours on Sunday and am still behind. I’m in Katie’s wedding this week; hosting the bachelorette dinner tomorrow night, rehearsal Thursday, Wedding Friday. Probably looking at places to rent on Saturday, and I have to work at Gift Corral on Sunday. Next week is slammed too!
Whoooo Heeeee breathe, right? All good changes. The next three weeks are going to suck.
Can we say under priced ;-) just kidding. I cannot believe how fast this sold. I'm SO excited for you two.