About Me

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Blogging about gardening in zone 4, marriage, our golden retriever and life in general.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Coming this fall, to Bozeman, MT

DJ made a little movie...

... yep. I'm having a baby. In November. In under 100 days (holyshitbreathethroughapaperbag).

We've been pretty quiet about it for a variety of reasons, but the last, a long-anticipated visit from DJ's high school friend, was this weekend. DJ has been waiting since late February to point to me in front of his friend and friend's wife and say "look what I did!"

I am married to a 12 year old. But he's pretty funny and talented too.

I'm not certain how much of this blog will shift to baby-related stuff. Hell, that'd mean I'd actually have to write stuff here, huh? This spring and summer have been so very busy that I just... I don't know that I have time!

In the meantime, I'll get the Friday farming pictures up shortly :)

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