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Friday, July 29, 2011

July 22 Friday Farming

 This post is a week late. I went to check last week's progress, and realized I'd never hit "publish"; whoops! I'll catch up on last week today, and get to this week by Sunday.

The homestead, from the street.

The Russian sage between the power boxes is filling in.

The sweet pea is having a hard time getting going. I think this location is too hot in the afternoon for it.

Daylilly is about to bloom.

As is the bee balm.

And my daises are starting to open up.

Hopefully all of those bees and wasps and other flying creatures are doing a good job pollinating my peppers.

I planted Icelandic poppies along the steps last year. They didn't really thrive, but in moving things around the seeds seem to have been redeposited in random spots. Like in the middle of the chrysanthemum. And the sedum.

Oh well. Cherry bomb pepper!

The basil I transplanted seems to be doing well. Is basil a perennial?

Purple basil.

The herb bed.

I'm close to having raspberries!

From back to front, lupine (purple), delphinium (white), larkspur (in the front).

Fern gully and the kitchen bed.

I popped a few seeds into the kitchen bed, near the irises this spring, and then promptly forgot about them. These sweet peas are doing way better than those in the front.



I think these day lilies get too hot in the west-facing garage bed.

I love the pink lupine!

The farm is doing really well.

I've got tomato blossoms everywhere!

The carrots are growing well, I think.

As is the garlic. I'm planting a ton more garlic this fall for 2012. I love running out to the garden to grab some.

Juliet tomatoes!

My onions are blooming.

Early Girl tomatoes.


Pepper blossom.

Roma tomatoes.




Spaghetti squash.

Overall things are going really, really well. I'll revise where the sweet peas are planted next year, and plant more garlic. I'm also hoping to squeeze in a mophead hydrangea next spring too. But I'm really happy with the way things are going this year!

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