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Blogging about gardening in zone 4, marriage, our golden retriever and life in general.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Do dogs eat their feelings too?

Harlow received four "Bad Dog" lectures yesterday. The first when I got out of the shower and realized she'd browsed some of the basil and mint on the windowsill in the office. There was dirt everywhere, including on her chops. 

The second was when DJ got home from work. She'd ripped the tag off of something in the living room. 

The third was when DJ arrived back from the gym. She'd decided that this magazine wasn't really to her liking:

The last came after she ate the tulip flowers in the bud vase next to my bed as I was on the phone with a friend last night. I've heard tulips are poisonous to dogs, but she seems fine, so I guess we'll find out. 

Misbehaving usually occurs when she's been cooped up inside all day with little exercise. Or when we ignore her to take on a different project. That usually leads to eating her feelings, by way of taking the hair off of duckie:

A walk or run every other day usually keeps her out of trouble. We went for a 1.5 hour walk last night after the tulip incident, so we'll see. 

She's going through an adolescent phase where she has selective hearing. You'll say come, and she'll look at you like "mmm, I'm going to go check out this puddle over here instead." Clearly, this weekend will include some reminders about obedience. 

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