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Blogging about gardening in zone 4, marriage, our golden retriever and life in general.

Monday, December 14, 2009

'Tis the Season

Wowzer, how’s that for falling off of the blogging wagon? Nearly two weeks! Unfortunately, I have only lame excuses. Throwing two holiday parties back to back, a serious case of the Chest Crud (cough, hack, belck), and a doubly serious case of procrastination. The chest cold is clearing up (literally, into my sinuses) but I think the procrastination is going to be around for a while.

So, now it’s The Week Before Christmas, and I’m trying to keep my shit together while picking up a few shifts at the gift store, catching up after being out of work at the end of last week, and preparing for being out of work all next week. Lots of lists going on over here.

I’ve gotten the outside Christmas lights up, as well as the rest of the house decorated… Like the lights?

I’ve gotten all my Christmas shopping done; except for gifts for my grandmothers. What, exactly, do you get the two women you’ve come to appreciate more and more every year?

Have I ever mentioned that Christmas is my favorite time of year? I love trying to give memorable gifts. I love the lights. I love looking forward to seeing my family. I love cookies.

And although we’re beginning the between the family rotation, I’m so excited to show DJ what a Colton Christmas is. A lot of people, presents, candy, schnitzers, laughter, and even more lights.

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